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Ron Orbach

Principal Investigator

Ron obtained his BSc degree in biology from Tel Aviv University. His interest in self-assembly led him to join Prof. Ehud Gazit's lab to pursue an MSc degree in biotechnology at Tel Aviv University. After earning his PhD in chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under Prof. Itamar Willner, he pursued postdoctoral studies at Yale University under the guidance of Jonathon Howard and Xiaolei Su. His postdoctoral research was supported by long-term fellowships from the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). In 2021, Ron joined Bar-Ilan University's Azrieli Faculty of Medicine. Outside the lab, he enjoys cooking and spending time with his family.

Something not too many people know: Ron has a twin brother (Omer).

Faculty Duties and Responsibilities:
Faculty Seminar Organizer

New horizons in molecular and cellular biology (Course No. 81-900)


Ron Orbach

Henrietta Szold 8, Safed 1311502, Israel


Tel: +972-72-264-4794

© 2022 by the Orbach Lab

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